Michael S. Rothkopf is a composer of over 50 works of chamber, electronic, orchestral and vocal music. His compositions have been noted for their "remarkable sensuousness" and their evocative ability to create a "sense of time and occasion." He has focused on creating interactive music involving digital technology and artificial intelligence as part of the compositional design.
Published by American Composers Editions, Dr. Rothkopf’s music has been performed throughout the United States by notable musicians and ensembles such as Tara Helen O’Connor, William Anderson, Jean Kopperud, Aleck Karis, Debra Reuter-Pivetta, Theresa Radomski, Meerenai Shim, the Cygnus Ensemble and the National Orchestra Association. He has been awarded fellowships from Carnegie Hall, the National Orchestra Association, Columbia University and Yaddo.
As a Professor of Music at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Dr. Rothkopf taught composition, music technology, music history, music theory and career strategies courses for 32 years. He was awarded the University of North Carolina School of the Arts Excellence in Teaching award in 2017.
He was a founding member of the Journal for Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT) and served on its senior editorial board, and a founding member of the MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resources for Online Teaching) Music Editorial Board and served as Senior Editor. From 2005 to 2008 Dr. Rothkopf was President of the Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival in Burlington, Vermont.
From 2008 to 2010, Dr. Rothkopf served as the Interim Dean of Music at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts. Dr. Rothkopf was Assistant Dean of Music and Graduate Programs at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts - School of Music from 1991 to 2013. His past teaching appointments include Columbia University, Yeshiva University and Stern College. He was Executive Director of the League of Composers/ International Society for Contemporary Music U.S. Section from 1989 to 1991 and Music Director of the Ariel Contemporary Chamber Ensemble from 1982 to 1986.
Dr. Rothkopf received his masters and doctor of music degrees from Columbia University. His principal composition teachers have been Normand Lockwood and Mario Davidovsky. His formal studies also include composition with Jack Beeson, Susan Blaustein, George Edwards and Chou Wen-Chung; counterpoint and analysis with Jacques-Louis Monod; and double bass with Harry Safstrom.